A little about me

My photo
Morgan Hill, CA, United States
Photography, to me, is a form of expression and relaxation. It has taken me on many adventures and has introduced me to many amazing people. This blog is where I talk about the shoots that I do and how they went, sometimes including behind-the-scenes pictures or videos! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think! (Click on a picture to view it large)

Neck Corset Piercing! 1/14/12

Me and model Cutthroat Kristina, headed out to San Francisco to take some pictures of her getting a corset piercing...ON HER NECK! She knew she was getting a corset piercing but she didn't know where it was going on her until she got there. We arrived at Nomad Body Piercing to meet up with her friend Leah-Jean who was the piercer. She marked the spots where to pierce and started piercing. It was pretty crazy seeing it happen in person but it was awesome lol. After it was done we headed out to the streets and took some pictures of the finished product! Check out the video below I shot of the piercing!!

CutThroat Kristina
Piercings by Leah-Jean Jett
Nomad Body Piercing
Pictures from the piercing

Click to enlarge

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