A little about me

My photo
Morgan Hill, CA, United States
Photography, to me, is a form of expression and relaxation. It has taken me on many adventures and has introduced me to many amazing people. This blog is where I talk about the shoots that I do and how they went, sometimes including behind-the-scenes pictures or videos! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think! (Click on a picture to view it large)

Composite Attept 5/24/12

A composite is a type of photograph where you shoot elements separately and "compose" them together into a single image. A simple example is taking a picture of a background and then take another picture of a person and photoshop the person into the background. Anyone can do it, but to make it look real or believable is a different story. I have been really following photographers like Dave Hill and Joel Grimes that specialize in composite photography and they have really inspired me to give it a try. Here is a video by Joel Grimes that shows whats involved:

There is a lot of work that goes into doing this effect and I am just learning. I went out with my friend Brent to attempt this effect. I reciently shot some backgrounds at a local high school football field and so me and Brent set up to take some pictures of just him. Here is my attempt at a composite:

Click to enlarge:

Set up shot:

Not bad. Obviously not as dramatic as in that video but it's a start. I want too keep trying these and see what I can come up with so stay tuned!!